1. What's your opinion of nuclear war? um I have a bad opinion of it. Nobody likes it.
2. Do you believe a country has the right to possess nuclear weapons? Why/why not? No, not at all. If they have nuclear weapons that means that they consider annihilating the entire planet an option. Don't fool yourself, there will be no isolated nuclear bombings. Once one missile is launched... they all will be launched. And I don't trust countries like North Korea and Iran with that kind of power. Their past behavior proves they don't value human life.
3. What do you think of this whole North Korea testing a nuke thing? Does it make you nervous? Do you care? Why/why not? It doesn't make me nervous right now. I think the nuclear test they say they conducted was a fake. There's no evidence it was a nuclear test... just a big ass bomb that registered on seismographs. I think it was Pyongyang's way of getting Washington's attention. Now watch that patented "cowboy diplomacy" that sent us to a tiny oil producing country in the middle east run and hide behind the so-called "international community." There are two options now for the world... that is the U.S.-controlled U.N.: either change N.Korea's behavior or change the regime. We see how good our regime-changing skills are working in Iraq. Let's see how well it works in a country that's swinging a nuke in our face. The US needs a tough negotiator to go in there and tell Kim Jung Il what to do and make him our bitch. He needs to be wearing Levi's jeans, drinking Coca-Cola, eating Apple Pie and have his lips firmly planted on the US asscheek. Anything else and we're stuck at the point we are now... with some lunatic armed with a nuke and no idea how to use it.
Bonus Question for Comments: Do you think there will be a WWIII or something similiar to it? What do you think will be the outcome? No WW3. The world is past the point of wars like we had in WWII or in the Korean War. Vietnam is the proof of that. Our enemies now are strong because they don't have the thing that keeps most sane people fighting... a fear of death. Plus our enemy has no homefront... no battle lines to be drawn. The new enemies hide in plain sight and kill themselves as they kill others. The wars of yesteryear with guys in foxholes shooting at Charlie are gone. We need to win the modern day wars with idealistic things like: If you don't stop shooting, your family will starve and die while your selfish ass goes to heaven and collect your 74 virgins.
North Korea is another story entirely. I don't think NK will do anything to start a war, since all of its neighbors would side with the US. China feeds and fuels that country, and without trade with other countries the "Dear Leader" will bring his country to its knees. Then all of his citizens will flee the shitty conditions there and fill up the slums of South Korea and China, then Japan, and eventually the U.S. It's a lose-lose situation for Kim, he has one bargaining chip, and that's his reported nuke. What I see happening is that the world will give this little guy a ton of incentives to stop his program, he'll collect them and laugh all the way to the bank, while the rest of the world pats itself on the back for saving us from destruction. Is that the best solution? Of course not, but its what's going to happen. Then in a few years, Kim will die and the next guy will have to test the limits of global diplomacy and we give him more stuff. Checkmate.