Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Season's Eatings!

Since the holidays are upon us, I thought I'd show everyone the origin of my favorite holiday treat.

What's YOUR favorite Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice treat? Hit comments and release your inner Pete Schwety.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tis the season...

We're a good ten days off from Christmas, but it seems to me everyone is
knee-deep in it.
I'm looking forward to a quiet Yuletide at home. I'm spending a few
days with the Florida family for my brother's wedding, then after that,
its quiet time.
In years past I've felt compelled to go to my family's homes for
holidays, but with my own family and home, I'm ready for them to start
coming to me.
This year, it feels good to be able to have money to buy everyone gifts,
rather than being broke as a joke. Though I'm still a joke.
The Dad from Raymond, Peter Boyle, died. I liked him as an actor. He
brought to TV those immortal words, "Holy Crap."
What do you think? Hit 'Comments' and release your inner Frank Baronne.