It's been a while since I posted something meaningful (or never, according to some of you!). I've been sentenced to the vampire hours at work, so during the daylight hours I'm in zombie mode. It's taking a toll on me physically and mentally, but it could be worse. I could be working the vampire shift as a spunkmopper at the adult movie theatre. Notice the 're' at the end? I'd only mop spunk at a classy joint.
- Anyways, Bring the pain:
Yesterday I completed 34 revolutions around the sun. They always ask, "Do you feel older?" and for the first time ever, I said yes. I have gray hairs, everything hurts, I worry about bills and retirement, I worry about my kid's future, and a bunch of other stuff I don't even want to get into. It seems like just yesterday I took off of work for a week to hang out at Prince's house for a week. Now I keep thinking of the lyrics to that old Fleetwood Mac song "Landslide."
Britney's New Hairdo. Who gives a shit. I feel kinda sorry for her. We all have our meltdowns, but we have the privilege of having them in private. On the same token, she knew the price of celebrity. My main objection is to the intense coverage of it. Who gives 2 shits that she's bald. It'll grow back. "Has she hit rock bottom?" Maybe she has, now what does it say about we (i.e. the media) who choose to publicize it to death? I'm sure the 24 year old mother of two in Peoria who isn't a pop star who shaved her head in the middle of a tattoo parlor wouldn't get a second look. I'm guilty of it too... I watched the video of her shaving her head over and over... and I looked at the pictures of her giving the paparazzi a gynecological view of herself numerous times as well. But then again, I'm a scumbag, obviously with a lot of company.
Anna Nicole Smith passes. I feel sorry for her as well. This woman had the best and worst luck all at once. But I totally understand how losing a child could take your soul. The woman was an idiot and surrounded herself with wolves in sheep's clothing. If the people around her had any respect for her, they wouldn't turn her death into a media circus. But of course that's like asking a leopard to take off his spots. My only hope is that her little baby lives the rest of her life in anonymity and normality. I hope she's not the Lindsey Hilton of the next generation. That would turn this tragedy into something much worse.
Crazy Diaper Astronaut. I got no sympathy for this crazy bitch. You're smart enough and have the drive to make it into space... yet you still got psycho hose beast sitting on the mental launch pad ready to blast off as soon as Johnny Spaceman gives you a glance. I hope this woman joins the Pop Culture Hall of Shame alongside Lorena Bobbitt, Amy Fisher, and OJ Simpson. People like that have no concern for the outcome of their actions. The families of all those involved are forever tarnished, countless hours of needless bullshit must be undertaken by police and NASA, etc.
Sirius and XM Merge. Wow, I never thought it would actually happen. Hopefully it will mean more people are drawn to the medium. I've been a Sirius fan since Howard started there, and I'll never go back to regular radio. After listening to all that great music, interesting people, and infinite choices of music, I don't think I could go back to the crap that passes for local radio. Why would you listen to "Boomer and the Diz " on the local morning zoo when there are 100+ other choices waiting for you. Its the best $13 you can spend if you have a craptacular commute like I do.
What do you think? Hit 'comments' and release your inner Howard K. Stern. Anwayz, that's it for now. The Welchs are on vacation this week.