Monday, December 05, 2005

monday madness

1. When is the last time you moved?
8 months ago when I moved into the new house.
2. How many times in your life have you moved?
At least 20. I have never lived anywhere for more than 5 years.
3. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about moving?
EVERYTHING! I hate it. The boxes, the lifting, the illegal day laborers you have to find on side of the road to move your shit.
4. What is the most exciting thing about moving?
Having a clean slate to start with.
5. If you've lived in the same place all your life, do you plan to move in the future?
I actually like the fact that I've lived in many different places. I've seen lots of different things, met a lot of different people. I know many many people who have lived in the same place their whole lives... and they think the world ends at the city limits. Broaden your horizons.
6. Do you WANT to move somewhere else; if so, where
New York, DC or LA. But who knows if I could afford it!

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