So this weekend I was supposed to see my first Nascar race. Not that I give two shits about racing, but my Dad got 4 free tickets, I figured what the hell, its free. So my parents come in town, check into the hotel that came along with the tickets (it was a package deal). The night before the race my Dad says, "The last bus leaves here for 8, so be here about 7:30." 7 am rolls around, and my ass is still in bed. I only had like 5 hours of sleep the night before because I had to work 430-Noon. So my Dad's pissed because I'm probably going to miss the bus, and I'm pissed because I want to go back to bed, and I'm getting stressed about an event I don't care about. My Dad had reason to be pissed, it was supposed to be him, me and my brother going together. My brother decided he wasn't going to go the night before, because he had a bad cold, and wasn't going to go sit in the cold rain with 120,000 inbreds watching cars go around and around for 4 hours. So here it is 7:30, I'm hauling ass down 285 to get to the hotel so I can get on the bus with my Dad. I get there with 10 minutes to spare, and I call my dad. He thought I was going to meet him at the speedway, so he was already on the bus... with the tickets. After careful consideration I say enough is enough and tell him to enjoy the race, I'm spending the day with my brother's family and my mom. So my Dad's at the speedway trying to make the best of it. He finds his seat, buys a cap so it won't rain on him, eats an overpriced hamburger and then they cancel the damn race due to rain. He's cold and wet and the only cars he saw were in the parking lot. I felt bad for him, but I was dry, and didn't have to wait in line behind Cletus for hours just to take a piss. Dad hasn't talked to me since. :)

Now share your thoughts on this stupid pastime.
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