Thursday, August 31, 2006
Star Wars or Star Trek? Definately Star Wars, but I do love Star Trek. I consider them apples and oranges. Never shall the two intermingle. It would be just wrong.
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Hmmm. neither. Both movie series relied on special effects to make up for a long drawn-out boring story. I know tons of people like them, but I just didn't see what the big deal was... beyond being just special effects movies.
Internet Explorer or Firefox? Firefox without a doubt. I have to use IE at work, and it drives me crazy. Plus the fact that it's forced on me if I want to use Windows really ticks me off. FF is safer and faster, plus I like the ease of using it. Like the tabs, the themes, the pop-up blockers, etc. You can do most of that stuff on IE, but you have to download and install 50 additional programs. Just put it all in there in the first place.. . like firefox. Plus ff rarely crashes, unlike IE.
iPod shuffle or iPod Nano? I've never used either of these. I would have to say, just by what I know about them that the Nano is better because the shuffle is pretty much just shuffling your songs and doesn't give you any choice in the matter.
Camera phone or mp3 phone? Neither. They're both gimmicks. Buy an MP3 player or a Digital Camera. phones on cameras have notoriously shitty picture quality. And if you're going to listen to mp3s on your phone you're running down your battery for no good reason. I would rather have a good quality phone that just sends and receives calls than dick with that other shit. I don't mind phones with PDAs included, since the two actually go together.
Dilbert or Jon from "Garfield"? Again, neither. Dilbert isn't really funny and Garfield is funny if you're 8.
Mac or PC? PC without a doubt. Macs have their place, just not in front of me. They're too expensive to begin with and expensive to upgrade, etc. If I can't crack open the case and start moving shit around, I don't want to mess with it. Much like laptops. I don't have one because I can't open it up and rebuild it myself.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
More Media Mania!

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Every second I'm not informing the world about the salsa-flavored hurricane thats going to kill us all... or the guy from sprockets that killed Jonbenet... I'm at home spending time with the family... and that ain't much between the two gigs.
Guess what crazy freak-looking mainstream media... YOU'VE BEEN PUNKED!
Stevie Wonder could see that this was a pedophile who just wanted to inject himself into the story. Hope he enjoyed the free first class ride back from the world's premier pervert destination, Thailand, after all, our tax dollars paid for it. But the bigger picture is... why did the media rush to judgement on this guy? From Jump Street, every news channel slapped the big graphic on the screen that said, "SOLVED?" What happened to due process? Had he confessed to killing a poor black girl, would we have gone through all this?
Meanwhile, CNN's Kyra Phillips is going to have one shitty Thanksgiving:
In addition, I am disgusted by the "Katrina... One year later" coverage. I see dozens of stories on how people are still screwed, but nothing on whats being done for them. I saw this poor bastard on CNN yesterday who made headlines because he wife died in front of him... and he was a mental wreck. All the while Kyra "Control Freak" Phillips pushed for more soundbites. No questions about whether he's getting mental help or counseling... just "tell us how it felt when Katrina ate your wife."
A big LIGHTEN UP to the people in Lexington, Kentucky. Yes it is horrible that a plane crashed killing 49 people... but to complain because Conan O'Brien's Emmy Awards opening had a plane crash in it on the day of the crash... that's ridiculous. Do you really think NBC did that on purpose? Or that the thought crossed their minds to take it out? Think about it: If you're the producer of a major network awards show... on the day of the show... are you sitting around watching the news wondering who you're going to offend? It was a sad coincidence... take it as that. He also spoofed that Internet Predator Dateline show... but you don't hear the advocates hollering about that. Why? Because they know its a joke. Now watch it and enjoy it, dammit.
Some good things happened today... The bank took back a $35 NSF fee for me going $1.66 over... and John Pruitt complemented my writing... and I may have cookies waiting for me at home. These days I'm looking for the little drops in the bucket.
What do you think? Hit comments and release your inner John Mark Karr.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Isn't She Lovely?
This was a video I made when Abby was like 6 months old. She has changed so much since then.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Musical Youth
Aw hell yeah. It's part of my job, and I use it to keep in touch with family and friends. I wouldn't talk to anyone if I didn't have email.
2. When did you start using email? 1992... It was Prodigy.
3. How many email addresses do you have? I can think of 7 off the top of my head.
4. If you could send an email to your favorite actor or musician, who would it be and what would you say to them?
RE: F'ing Jews
Dude, chill out. You can be an anti-semitic wino, just keep quiet about it. You're starting to look like a nut. Well, an even bigger nut than one that made $600-million on a Jesus flick in a dead language. By the way, how is "Lethal Weapon VI: Operation Auchwitz" coming along?
1. What's your favorite album cover from your collection? Sign 'O' The Times

It looks like an accident, but it's so visually interesting you can't look away. Also, The Stones have had some great album covers. Sticky Fingers with a real zipper... Satanic Majesties with a 3d picture... Tattoo You with a weird looking lady... and there was another one that looked like 1960s ads for wigs.
2. What album cover makes you wonder what the designer and/or band was thinking? Prince's Lovesexy. He's naked...and the record company made him airbrush his leg in front of his pecker, so it looks awkward, and just downright disturbing.
3. Do you own the White Album by The Beatles or the Black Album by Metallica? I own the white album by the Beatles, no to the Metallica one. Prince also has a black album with just the catalog number on the cover. Spinal Tap has an all black album called "Smell The Glove." See the movie for an explanation.
My favorite female musician is _Sheryl Crow.
My favorite guitarist is _Eric Clapton/Eddie Van Halen (tie)_.
My musical guilty pleasure is _hehehe I download shitty pop tunes_.
My favorite Beatle is _John_.
Now, let's see how good your musical knowledge is. Fill in THESE blanks.
"Stand By Me" by _Ben E._ King.
"8__-5__9" by Tommy _867-5309 by Tommy Tutone_.
"The Girl's Got ________" by AC/DC.
"What's So Funny 'Bout (Peace, _Love_ and Understanding_)" by Elvis Costello.
"One ______ At A Time" by Johnny Cash.
"Save A _Horse_, Ride A _Cowboy_" by Big and Rich.
I missed two! I see myself as the master of all things musical and trivial. OH well. How many did you know? Hit Comments and release your inner Tommy Tutone.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
It's always something
You ever feel like no matter what you do... something always stands in your way. Life ain't never easy. Case in point, I'm trying to crawl my way out of debt and make a better life for my family, so I work two jobs. I'm trying to do the right thing and not just be a bum shuffling debt, so I'm putting my nose to the grindstone to get it done. I'm tired all day long and I miss my family. I haven't spent any time with them in a week. I'm getting one day off this entire month. But I press on... Nothing good comes without sacrifice and hard work.
So on the way to start my third 12-hour day in a row... I rear ended this girl. The damage wasn't bad, but for the next who-know-how-many-days I'll be dealing with the car. Insurance companies, repair estimates, rental cars, deductables... This will be my life for the foreseeable future. Now the money I'm busting my ass to earn will be poured into fixing the car.
Now I know what you're saying... It's all your fault, Lunchbox... Stop yer bitchin. Nobody forced you to work 2 jobs, nobody forced your foot to mash down on the gas pedal, or get into debt. I admit that's true. But can't a brutha catch a break? I sit here at work informing the world of the latest hijinx by an anti-semitic mad max and an incontinent communist leader, listening to everyone else talk about taking weekend vacations. I'm in need of a vacation and my ride just got crashed up. I feel like singing a refrain from a little ditty by my man MC Rappin' T. "I caught some hell... Livin on this day."