Thursday, August 31, 2006


I hate not being in control. That's why I was a mess recently when I had to deal with getting the car fixed after my little accident. I couldn't just drop it off, get a rental car, then bring it back when the car was ready. Many forces working against me prevented that. Forces beyond my control. The same thing happened yesterday. Abby is allergic to peanuts... so at daycare they have signs posted up all over the room saying just that. So guess what fucking happens yesterday? She ate a peanut butter sandwich. They said she took it from some other kid. I call bullshit. I think they just gave all the kids the same thing without paying attention to the 50 signs around the room saying not to. Why they even have peanut butter in a facility with at least 2 kids with severe allergies is beyond me. So after she threw up and got severe hives, she was eventually OK. The thing that bugs me is that even if it WAS an accident shouldn't they have been watching closer to see what my kid was doing on a day when ENTIRE class had something that could potentially kill her? The whole thing angers me to no end... not to mention my distrust of these people. We only have to deal with them another week. On top of that, It drives me crazy that I'm not in control of the situation beyond just taking her out of there. I could go to the school and start hitting people with a shovel and disembowling them, but that won't solve anything. It all drives me crazy. I wake up every day now wondering whose going to kick me in the nuts today. I have to say those idiotic bitches at daycare got in a good one yesterday. How about today? anyone anyone? no? no? ok.

Star Wars or Star Trek? Definately Star Wars, but I do love Star Trek. I consider them apples and oranges. Never shall the two intermingle. It would be just wrong.
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Hmmm. neither. Both movie series relied on special effects to make up for a long drawn-out boring story. I know tons of people like them, but I just didn't see what the big deal was... beyond being just special effects movies.
Internet Explorer or Firefox? Firefox without a doubt. I have to use IE at work, and it drives me crazy. Plus the fact that it's forced on me if I want to use Windows really ticks me off. FF is safer and faster, plus I like the ease of using it. Like the tabs, the themes, the pop-up blockers, etc. You can do most of that stuff on IE, but you have to download and install 50 additional programs. Just put it all in there in the first place.. . like firefox. Plus ff rarely crashes, unlike IE.
iPod shuffle or iPod Nano? I've never used either of these. I would have to say, just by what I know about them that the Nano is better because the shuffle is pretty much just shuffling your songs and doesn't give you any choice in the matter.
Camera phone or mp3 phone? Neither. They're both gimmicks. Buy an MP3 player or a Digital Camera. phones on cameras have notoriously shitty picture quality. And if you're going to listen to mp3s on your phone you're running down your battery for no good reason. I would rather have a good quality phone that just sends and receives calls than dick with that other shit. I don't mind phones with PDAs included, since the two actually go together.
Dilbert or Jon from "Garfield"? Again, neither. Dilbert isn't really funny and Garfield is funny if you're 8.
Mac or PC? PC without a doubt. Macs have their place, just not in front of me. They're too expensive to begin with and expensive to upgrade, etc. If I can't crack open the case and start moving shit around, I don't want to mess with it. Much like laptops. I don't have one because I can't open it up and rebuild it myself.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Keep your dick up, Jose. Life is life--roll with the punches. Tomorrow is another day.

  2. Like my Dad always says, you can't keep a good man down.
