Monday, May 12, 2008

its 5 am.

Hey teens.
I know it has been quite some time since I have posted. Why? I dunno.
I started a new job, got a new car, and my baby is about to turn 3. I went on a cruise and I hate the bahamas. Life is what you make of it. I'll try and be more attentive.

1. What was your most memorable moment in school? In high school it was driving to school and showing up wearing my cool Girbaud or Cavariccis. Then I graduated and I realized I wasn't cool. I hated high school. In college, it was becoming the 'teacher's pet' cuz I was a freaking journalistic genius. Then I graduated and realized I wasn't a genius.
2. What was your favorite subject in school? My writing classes and the classes on computers. Back then, classes with computers were considered "high tech."
3. Did you participate in any extracurricular activities? Nope. I hated school and wanted to leave ASAP. I worked. That was my extracurricular activity. I fried chicken for the Colonel and filled up a trough at Golden Corral.
4. If you could go back in time and give your school-age self some advice, what would you say? Participate in extracurricular activities, not because they'll help you later in life, but because they might make you hate school less.

1. What is your favorite song about or mentioning Mexico? "...but it's a real beauty, a mexican cutie. How it got here I haven't a clue."
2. What is your favorite Mexican or Mexican-American musician/band? Is J-lo mexican? :)
3. What is your favorite song by a Mexican or Mexican-American musician/band? "A little bit is better than nada... sometimes you want the whole enchilada..." I'm not really into the song, but that's a catchy line.

What about you? Hit comments and release your inner Freddy Fender.

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