Monday, August 03, 2009


Today my daughter hits a milestone. She goes to school. I'm blown away by the whole situation. A mere 4 years ago, Abby was this little thing I could hold with one arm and prepare a bottle with the other. I know it's just Pre-K, but it's at an actual elementary school. Now she has a backpack, a bus number, and a teacher that's addressable by a last name. When did my baby become a little girl?
I have no issues with separation, she's been in day care since she was a baby. I have no worries about how she will interact socially with classmates, since she's been in day care and has gone to play dates all her life. I have no worries about how she will do academically. Abby can count to 100, backwards from 10, and to 10 in Spanish... and can read books above her age.
Maybe I'm just taken aback by how proud I am of her, and how excited I am to see her take the first step in to a much larger world.


  1. I remember the first days of school for both of mine. There were 10 different emotions happening all at once. I think PROUD was the one that dominated in each situation.

    Enjoy every milestone. They grow up sooooo fast.

    Congratulations Abby!

  2. Very cool! You know it will happen someday, just remember the day as in a few years, you will be saying "it seems just like yesterday that she started Pre-K" :)

    Enjoy it Chas, still many wonders and excitement to come.
