Let's catch up. How've you been? Did that thing on your ass cheek heal? Oh congratz.
Anywayz, here's this:

The Hurt Locker: (Best Picture winner, et al) Long, but really good. It kept my attention, which is my litmus test.
Inglourious Basterds: (Best supporting actor)Very Tarantino. I liked it. I'm always fascinated by his use of music in his films. He doesn't use music that "fits" the scene, but yet it still conveys the emotion of the scene. In this movie about WWII, there was music I can only describe as 70s Jazz Funk. The story was really good, too. Bradolph Pittler was a little too over the top with his hillbilly accent though.
Star Trek: (best makeup) They give awards for this? I loved the movie, though.
Losers: Up In The Air: Was exactly the same as Jason Reitman's other film Thank You for Smoking. Except instead of an asshole selling cigarettes who ultimately doesn't change, its an asshole firing people who ultimately doesn't change.
District 9: While I'm glad there's more sci-fi being considered for Oscars, this movie was long and boring. The effects were nice, but that doesn't make up for a shitty story. Yes I'm looking at you Lucas. Plus this flick was up against Avatar, so it had no chance.
Food, Inc.: I watched this documentary thinking I should be outraged and not want to eat meat or only buy organic or locally grown food. But I said, meh, and ordered a pizza.
Princess and the Frog: I liked it because it featured Anthropomorphic African-American animals, but Disney pulled out every New Orleans cliche and put it in a formulaic cartoon movie.
Movies I didn't see this year:
Avatar: Never got around to it, the hype turned me off
Precious: I'd sooner stick red hot skewers in my eyes. And also, the long ass subtitle was so obnoxious. Stern was right.
It sucks that Cher's soon-to-be-son's name is Chaz, as is Roger Ebert's wife. I'm glad they spell it with a Z and not an S.
What do you think? What was your favorite flick of the last year? Who was robbed of an Oscar? Does anyone give two shits about them? Hit comments and release your inner Roger Ebert.
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