I don't even know if coyotes really eat roadrunners. Just another fact I learned from cartoons. Like cavemen wrote on tablets with woodpeckers and when you bang someone on the head with a pan it makes a funny noise.
I've been writing business news on TV for a while now, and I've come to the conclusion that my best advice is for people to stop watching business news on TV. It'll just drive you crazy, may cost you money, and cause unnecessary panic. Yet my paycheck is based on reporting on such craziness, some of that paycheck gets invested in the things that I write about. Not quite a circle of life, but I think its interesting nonetheless. I've attempted several times to write stories that amount to telling people to calm the fuck down, but it's been poo-poo'd. Oh well, what do I know? People say our situation the US is so bad, but it's not. It ain't great, but it's a hell of a lot better than the rest of the world. What's the alternative? Living in China? The economy's great there, but you're living in fucking China. And those who blame the president or congress, if you're waiting for Washington to make your life better, you're deserve what you get. You think they can make the economy better? They can't. They can help it out, but in the end it rests on the shoulders of the people. Not the knuckleheads in DC, certainly not the guy sitting in the oval office. Of course I say this while we have 2 great jobs in our family. But that wasn't always the case, and I didn't whine, I worked like hell to make my situation better. I sacrificed, busted my ass, and didn't ask for the government to magically bestow a better job upon me. I learned many lessons, and now years later, I still work 6-7 days a week, even though I don't have to. I do it because want a lifestyle where I don't sweat when I'm paying bills and one that isn't dependent upon anyone but myself.
And what is this planking shit? Are you people retarded? Go fuck yourselves.
Louie is a good show.
What do you think? Hit reply and release your inner Denis Leary.
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