Saturday, July 16, 2005

Cool Helpful Astounding Sarcasm

I have the weekend off for the first time in forever. Its nice not having to get up for work in the middle of the night! Thanks WSB! jeez. As I listen to Abby coo in the other room, I figure I would spew my wisDUMB upon youz. Enjoy! Remember, you guys get the Employee Discount. You pay what we pay for this web page!

1. What is the last thing you either camped out or got up unusually early to be able to buy? like those kids did with the Harry Potter books? sheeeit not me, man. Not even for concert tickets. I get my Prince tickets a day ahead of time, and its via the net. I did wait in line once for like 3 hours to buy Prince tickets, but that was only because they weren't on sale on the internet (The Tabernacle hadn't come that far at that time). But there's no event I'd camp out for. Case in point: the idiots who waited months in line to see Star Wars... It's the EXACT same movie I saw 10 hours later than the superfans... except I bought my tickets online, and I just walked my happy ass into the theater, sat down and watched. No Fuss No Muss. I understand part of it is the community aspect. Camping out for college football playoff tickets would probably be a blast, but it would be more for the experience than the tickets.

2. If you had to give up one of the following for a full year, which would be the easiest to do without? Which would be the most difficult to give up?
a) Your personal vehicle Most difficult. A car is not a luxury, its a means to get to work to make a living. Plus I would hate to have to bum rides all the time. I always feel like a douchebag when I have to do that. Unless I lived close to a marta station or something, I'd find a way to have a ride to work.
b) Your Telephone (both cellular and land line) Easily given up. Nobody calls me. My cell phone is a toy mostly.
c) The Internet A few years ago, I would've said this would be the hardest thing to give up. At one point a former girlfriend called my computer, "The Other Woman." But I know much better now. I now only play online when I'm bored, and I just check my email. There are so many more important things in life. That being said, I if I do have internet, Its gonna be high-speed. I just can't do dial-up. Its cable or nothing. Also, I couldn't give up the internet at work, its become a valuable tool for newsgathering.
d) Meat (all of it: Beef, Poultry, Pork and Seafood) Semi-hard to give up. I'm one of those people who think a meal has to have a meat for it to be a real meal. But I could live without it if I had to.
e) Television
Same as the internet, useful at work, but I know I could live without it when I'm not at work. I pay for the badass cable package that has every movie channel for every niche (like that Black Lesbian Southern Movie Channel), but I don't hardly watch it at all. So I'm sure I could live without it.

4. What is the first source you go to for news of any kind when you wake up? How much do you trust that particular source? The AJC and Drudge when I'm online. CNN if I'm watching TV. I trust ajc & cnn. Drudge I definately take with a grain of salt. I don't trust Fox news for shit. Blatant right-wing bias.

5. Take the Quiz: What do the letters of your name stand for?


6. What is your favorite color and why? If you have a journal or journals, is this color the primary one on those journals? If not, why not?" Black & White, cuz I'm colorblind. Yes, the color theme here is black & white.

Your turn, put your name in that name acronym thingie and tell me what it says. Answer the questions. Release your inner P.A.G.A.N. (People Against Goodness and Normalcy. Name the movie its from! Can't huh?)

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