I don't know who to be pissed at.
My family and friends in N.O. made it out of the city safely. My heart breaks when I think about what they're going to find when they're able to return. The important thing is that objects can be replaced but people can't. Despite that, the road to rebuilding is a long and hard one... and paved with questions like, "Why did this happen?"
I grieve for the city itself. The roads on which I learned to drive are now rivers. The grounds on which I stomped are now under water. The landmarks that made me feel at home are gone. All my little moments and memories, washed away. The Esplanade Mall and the movie theaters where we spent our teenage years... Uncle Al's shop where we would watch the parades... the stoop in the French Quarter on which I puked many times... Those mechanical legs popping out of "Big Daddy's Topless Bottomless Club"... The great po-boys at 'Come Back Inn'... What will I show my little girl when I take her to New Orleans?
If any good can come from this situation, it would be that New Orleans will be rebuilt stronger. Much of the city was old and decrepit. It was a testament to the city's heritage. Those testaments may be gone, but that heritage will never be lost. I can only hope that the architects of New Orleans 2.0 will keep in mind the mistakes of the past, to prevent the need for a New Orleans 3.0. New Orleanians, unlike folks in other big cities, have a reluctance when it comes to change. The mentality is: things in the Crescent City have been one way for many many years, its worked, so why change it. I hope that doesn't become a hindrance when its time to move the city forward.
I still don't know who to be pissed at.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
My City Of Ruins
There’s a blood red circle
On the cold dark ground
And the rain is falling down
The church doors blown open
I can hear the organ’s song
But the congregation’s gone
My city of ruins
My city of ruins
Now the sweet veils of mercy
Drift through the evening trees
Young men on the corner
Like scattered leaves
The boarded up windows
The hustlers and thieves
While my brother’s down on his knees
My city of ruins
My city of ruins
Come on rise up!
Come on rise up!
Now there’s tears on the pillow
Darling where we slept
And you took my heart when you left
Without your sweet kiss
My soul is lost, my friend
Now tell me how do I begin again?
My city’s in ruins
My city’s in ruins
Now with these hands
I pray lord
With these hands
For the strength lord
With these hands
For the faith lord
With these hands
I pray lord
With these hands
For the strength lord
With these hands
For the faith lord
With these hands
Come on rise up!
Come on rise up!
Rise up
Please Pray For New Orleans
On the cold dark ground
And the rain is falling down
The church doors blown open
I can hear the organ’s song
But the congregation’s gone
My city of ruins
My city of ruins
Now the sweet veils of mercy
Drift through the evening trees
Young men on the corner
Like scattered leaves
The boarded up windows
The hustlers and thieves
While my brother’s down on his knees
My city of ruins
My city of ruins
Come on rise up!
Come on rise up!
Now there’s tears on the pillow
Darling where we slept
And you took my heart when you left
Without your sweet kiss
My soul is lost, my friend
Now tell me how do I begin again?
My city’s in ruins
My city’s in ruins
Now with these hands
I pray lord
With these hands
For the strength lord
With these hands
For the faith lord
With these hands
I pray lord
With these hands
For the strength lord
With these hands
For the faith lord
With these hands
Come on rise up!
Come on rise up!
Rise up
Please Pray For New Orleans
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Whats up doc?
Bugs Bunny! You scored 42 Aggression, 85 Sophistication, and 71 Optimism! |
You have all the sophistication and charm one would expect from such a high-class hare. Very upbeat and generally laid-back, you are remarkably calm and peaceful even in the midst of the most stressful of situations. On those rare occasions that your anger is aroused, your retaliation usually results in embarrassing the aggressor and laying-bare how foolish he or she really is -- rather than doing any real harm. You likely have many friends and more than a few admirers and would make an excellent leader, if you had any interest in being one. But, being a leader would require hard work and attention to detail, both qualities you are lacking in. In fact, if you are not careful, your laid-back attitude will often lead you to drift through life completely oblivious to the changes happening around you. You also tend to have a horrible sense of direction. |
![]() |
Link: The Which Looney Tune Are You Test written by coolguy3000 on Ok Cupid |
tell us what creeps you out....
1. animal Spiders and Snakes.
2. book ScatLover Magazine
3. film Silence Of The Lambs (It puts the lotion on its skin!)
4. family member Ha! He's six-feet under, good for him.
5. co-worker Most of the engineers at channel 46
6. food Cheeses that smell like feet mixed with rotten crotch
7. computer-related game, software, image, operating system, hardware bit, video, etc. Macs
8. culture or cultural practise Blowing up buildings in the name of a religion
1. animal Spiders and Snakes.
2. book ScatLover Magazine
3. film Silence Of The Lambs (It puts the lotion on its skin!)
4. family member Ha! He's six-feet under, good for him.
5. co-worker Most of the engineers at channel 46
6. food Cheeses that smell like feet mixed with rotten crotch
7. computer-related game, software, image, operating system, hardware bit, video, etc. Macs
8. culture or cultural practise Blowing up buildings in the name of a religion
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Slave 2 The System... before I was born... Slave 2 The Master... Beat Me til I'm Worn
01. If your brain were scratch and sniff, what smell might we be sniffing when we scratched? Quesadillas.
02. 'There was an old lady who lived in a shoe ...' If you lived in a shoe, what kind of shoe would it be? Moccasin... kinda tight and constricting at first, but then becomes a part of you.
03. What the last thing that made you laugh so hard you spit out whatever you were drinking? "A Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants, and orders a drink. A few drinks later, the bartender says, "I gotta ask, whats with steering wheel in your pants?" Pirate replies, "I dunno, but its driving me nuts."
04. If you were an 'As Seen On TV' product what would your function be and what cheesy name would you have? a special box for your TV that hunts out shows with the "TV M" or "R" ratings. It'll be covered in fabric, or fur to match any decor. And you have to buy it from the Momus A. Morgus Institute. The name? "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy, Dirty Box." Anyone who is up on technology would have "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy Dirty Box" in their home. Need A last minute Christmas or Chanukah gift? Why not let your loved ones have "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy Dirty Box"?!
05. A doctor is giving you a complete physical exam and says, 'That's odd'. What has the doctor found? "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy Dirty Box"
06. What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?" Some gingerbread drawz and an icing shirt.
02. 'There was an old lady who lived in a shoe ...' If you lived in a shoe, what kind of shoe would it be? Moccasin... kinda tight and constricting at first, but then becomes a part of you.
03. What the last thing that made you laugh so hard you spit out whatever you were drinking? "A Pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants, and orders a drink. A few drinks later, the bartender says, "I gotta ask, whats with steering wheel in your pants?" Pirate replies, "I dunno, but its driving me nuts."
04. If you were an 'As Seen On TV' product what would your function be and what cheesy name would you have? a special box for your TV that hunts out shows with the "TV M" or "R" ratings. It'll be covered in fabric, or fur to match any decor. And you have to buy it from the Momus A. Morgus Institute. The name? "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy, Dirty Box." Anyone who is up on technology would have "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy Dirty Box" in their home. Need A last minute Christmas or Chanukah gift? Why not let your loved ones have "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy Dirty Box"?!
05. A doctor is giving you a complete physical exam and says, 'That's odd'. What has the doctor found? "Your M.A.M.I.'s Hairy Dirty Box"
06. What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?" Some gingerbread drawz and an icing shirt.
The Idiot Box

2. What would you be embarassed to be caught watching even though you do watch it? The O.C.
3. Write yourself into a tv show. "Tonight, on WKRP In Cinncinnati... Dr. Johnny Fever hires a new producer, some fat kid from Atlanta, to pick his records. But the good doctor gets jealous when the new kid becomes more popular... and he does whatever he can to get him fired!"
4. Replace someone in a tv show. "This week on Sanford And Son, Fred becomes cross at Lamont (now played by Chas) after he brings home a white woman. Hilarity ensues when Fred comes up with a scheme to break them up!"
5. Who would you like to see out of tvland forever? Oprah.
6. Who would you like to see back? The fucking Sopranos.
7. Entertainment or information? Entertainment. I'm bombarded by information all day long.
8. What makes for a good viewing experience for you? Cursing and nudity.
9. Have you ever had a great idea for a special niche cable channel (like the Golf Channel or Home and Garden TV)? an MTV that actually shows videos.
10. What was your favorite show when you were a kid? I spent my entire young life sitting in front of the TV, so to narrow it down to one, would be impossible.
11. Most memorable moment of television? The first time I watched MTV, back in 1981. My mom had to go get the converter box from the bedroom so I could watch it, cause they put it at the bottom of the cable line-up.
12. Most memorable moment you'd just as soon forget? 9/11.
13. What would you like to see again? With vcrs, tivo, etc, you can see anything over and over again.
Monday, August 08, 2005
What would you do in the following situations?
1. The store clerk undercharges you for an item you purchase? Consider myself lucky and move on.
2. The cashier gives you change for a fifty dollar bill when you only gave her a twenty, and you don't realize it until you're out the door? Keep on truckin'! I'm sure this makes me a bad person, but I've been ripped off, its just karma... evening things out.
3. You see your best friend's husband/wife with another woman/man at a neighborhood restaurant? Its ain't my business... keep your mouth shut. Why make someone else's life even more miserable?
4. Your 15 year old asks you if you ever tried an alcoholic beverage before you were of legal drinking age (and you have)? Be honest. If my daughter wants to try alcohol, it will be with me supervising, and it won't be before she's driving, etc. If you keep things from kids, they just want it more.
5. You find a one hundred dollar bill laying on the floor of a department store? I probably wouldn't pick it up. Like Dante said in clerks, people by nature are suspicous, they see money lying around they figure they're being watched. Honesty by paranoia.
01. We all have our own interpretation of cool. What single artist do you think is the King or Queen of Cool and why? Morris Day. He's even got a song about how he's C-O-O-L.
02. What artist(s) or song(s) leaves you COLD ... is there a reason why? I dunno. You guys suggest some.
03. What artist(s), band(s), song title(s) or lyrics come to mind which involve one or all of the following words? cold, cool, ice "In the air tonight," "Frozen," "Ice Ice Baby" hehehe
Whiny people piss me off... two examples:
The rich bastards in Sandy Springs. These assholes have been whining about becoming their own city for years and years. Mostly because they didn't want their precious tax dollars to go to the "darkies" in the dirty south part of Fulton County. So now they're a city, and they're gonna bitch that the county doesn't want to let them use their police and firefighters. Shouldn't they have thought about that during the previous 30 fucking years? So now, those pompous asses are shitting on the Ronald McDonald House. The charity wants to expand its "house" by adding 50-beds. That 50-more parents who don't have to go to a hotel when their children are in the hospital being treated for serious diseases. But God forbid they encroach on those tight-asses homes. I hope they come face to face with an ill child and explain why they don't want their parents in their neighborhood. They should pray like monks that none of *their* kids get sick. I think the Ronald McDonald House should change its name to the "Fuck Sandy Springs House."
Another bunch of whiny bitches: The Airline Industry. First they cry like bitches to the government all the time that they're going out of business because nobody's flying after 911. The government bails them out, which is wrong... they should adapt to the marketplace. Supply and Demand its called. So then, when passenger numbers get back to "pre-911 levels," they start bitching about fuel prices and how they're going to have to pass the prices along to travellers. Wah-Wah. Thats life. Again, supply and demand. People don't want to fly your overpriced airline, drop prices, or give them something more for their money. Now comes the icing on the cake. These whiney fucks are bitching because in the President's new energy bill, he has us starting daylight saving time 3 weeks earlier, and ending it a week later. This will save the country millions of dollars, because people will be turning on their lights later, and not using as much electricity. Plus people will shop longer and will go out to eat more if the sun is out. That helps our economy right? People with more money and more opportunities to spend it. Who wouldn't love that? The airlines. Thats who. These rotten fucks say that it will throw off their international schedules and passengers will be waiting for hours. Wah-Wah. Tough shit. Change your fucking schedules, you got more than a year to deal with this. Bottom line is, most businesses live and die by delivering a product at a price and manner in which people like. Thats why Coke, McDonalds, UPS, and GE are successful. So why does the airline industry believe it does not have to hold itself to that same standard?
2. The cashier gives you change for a fifty dollar bill when you only gave her a twenty, and you don't realize it until you're out the door? Keep on truckin'! I'm sure this makes me a bad person, but I've been ripped off, its just karma... evening things out.
3. You see your best friend's husband/wife with another woman/man at a neighborhood restaurant? Its ain't my business... keep your mouth shut. Why make someone else's life even more miserable?
4. Your 15 year old asks you if you ever tried an alcoholic beverage before you were of legal drinking age (and you have)? Be honest. If my daughter wants to try alcohol, it will be with me supervising, and it won't be before she's driving, etc. If you keep things from kids, they just want it more.
5. You find a one hundred dollar bill laying on the floor of a department store? I probably wouldn't pick it up. Like Dante said in clerks, people by nature are suspicous, they see money lying around they figure they're being watched. Honesty by paranoia.
01. We all have our own interpretation of cool. What single artist do you think is the King or Queen of Cool and why? Morris Day. He's even got a song about how he's C-O-O-L.
02. What artist(s) or song(s) leaves you COLD ... is there a reason why? I dunno. You guys suggest some.
03. What artist(s), band(s), song title(s) or lyrics come to mind which involve one or all of the following words? cold, cool, ice "In the air tonight," "Frozen," "Ice Ice Baby" hehehe
Whiny people piss me off... two examples:
The rich bastards in Sandy Springs. These assholes have been whining about becoming their own city for years and years. Mostly because they didn't want their precious tax dollars to go to the "darkies" in the dirty south part of Fulton County. So now they're a city, and they're gonna bitch that the county doesn't want to let them use their police and firefighters. Shouldn't they have thought about that during the previous 30 fucking years? So now, those pompous asses are shitting on the Ronald McDonald House. The charity wants to expand its "house" by adding 50-beds. That 50-more parents who don't have to go to a hotel when their children are in the hospital being treated for serious diseases. But God forbid they encroach on those tight-asses homes. I hope they come face to face with an ill child and explain why they don't want their parents in their neighborhood. They should pray like monks that none of *their* kids get sick. I think the Ronald McDonald House should change its name to the "Fuck Sandy Springs House."
Another bunch of whiny bitches: The Airline Industry. First they cry like bitches to the government all the time that they're going out of business because nobody's flying after 911. The government bails them out, which is wrong... they should adapt to the marketplace. Supply and Demand its called. So then, when passenger numbers get back to "pre-911 levels," they start bitching about fuel prices and how they're going to have to pass the prices along to travellers. Wah-Wah. Thats life. Again, supply and demand. People don't want to fly your overpriced airline, drop prices, or give them something more for their money. Now comes the icing on the cake. These whiney fucks are bitching because in the President's new energy bill, he has us starting daylight saving time 3 weeks earlier, and ending it a week later. This will save the country millions of dollars, because people will be turning on their lights later, and not using as much electricity. Plus people will shop longer and will go out to eat more if the sun is out. That helps our economy right? People with more money and more opportunities to spend it. Who wouldn't love that? The airlines. Thats who. These rotten fucks say that it will throw off their international schedules and passengers will be waiting for hours. Wah-Wah. Tough shit. Change your fucking schedules, you got more than a year to deal with this. Bottom line is, most businesses live and die by delivering a product at a price and manner in which people like. Thats why Coke, McDonalds, UPS, and GE are successful. So why does the airline industry believe it does not have to hold itself to that same standard?
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