2. What would you be embarassed to be caught watching even though you do watch it? The O.C.
3. Write yourself into a tv show. "Tonight, on WKRP In Cinncinnati... Dr. Johnny Fever hires a new producer, some fat kid from Atlanta, to pick his records. But the good doctor gets jealous when the new kid becomes more popular... and he does whatever he can to get him fired!"
4. Replace someone in a tv show. "This week on Sanford And Son, Fred becomes cross at Lamont (now played by Chas) after he brings home a white woman. Hilarity ensues when Fred comes up with a scheme to break them up!"
5. Who would you like to see out of tvland forever? Oprah.
6. Who would you like to see back? The fucking Sopranos.
7. Entertainment or information? Entertainment. I'm bombarded by information all day long.
8. What makes for a good viewing experience for you? Cursing and nudity.
9. Have you ever had a great idea for a special niche cable channel (like the Golf Channel or Home and Garden TV)? an MTV that actually shows videos.
10. What was your favorite show when you were a kid? I spent my entire young life sitting in front of the TV, so to narrow it down to one, would be impossible.
11. Most memorable moment of television? The first time I watched MTV, back in 1981. My mom had to go get the converter box from the bedroom so I could watch it, cause they put it at the bottom of the cable line-up.
12. Most memorable moment you'd just as soon forget? 9/11.
13. What would you like to see again? With vcrs, tivo, etc, you can see anything over and over again.
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