Saturday, April 15, 2006

Great Pretenders

Great Pretenders: "If you could freeze the time for less than an hour, since you’d be the only living thing that’s “alive” in that moment:
1. What would you do?
Find the nearest womens locker room. Then I'd steal a shitload of cash from a bank, then go back to the locker room for a while, then I'd put news anchor's hands in funny positions so when they come back on the air, they're smacking the weather guy's ass or something.
2. Why would you do that?
Because I'm demented.
3. Why you wouldn’t be able to do it if everything were normal and the time weren’t frozen?
Because hot lesbians usually don't invite me into their locker rooms, and bank robbery is illegal, and the anchors only slap weather guys asses off the air.

What about you? Hit comments and release your inner Bruce Almighty.

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