Saturday, September 08, 2007

Turn your head and cough.

when was the last time you...

1. went to the doctor? why did you have to go? My seasonal visit for a sinus infection. Between Atlanta's crappy air and the germs Abby brings home from day care I'm surprised I don't go more than 4 times a year!

2. had surgery? for what? can't say

3. visited someone in the hospital? who was it? Around September of 2005, Abby was 3 months old and had a UTI. She, of course, couldn't tell us that so she had to go through a shitload of tests at Children's Hospital of Atlanta. The doctor was so worried that she called an Ambulance to bring us there. Imagine driving 40 miles in the back of an Ambulance with your 3-month old child that is sick for an unknown reason. If I can think of the worst moment in my life... that was it.

4. took a prescription medication? for what? the aforementioned sinus infection.

5. injured any part of your body? what were you doing? I fractured my coccyx. I fell down the stairs at my house. The stairs that I walk up and down 50 times a day. There's no ass cast, so I just had to endure the pain.

6. ate something that gave you food poisoning? what was it? Not that I know of...

7. had a cold/allergies? I never had allergies until I came to Atlanta.

8. did NOT heed a doctor's advice? what did you ignore/do differently? "Go on a diet and exercise."

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