What the hell is this? Only in Georgia would two rednecks get together, dress one of them up as a gorilla, get into a freezer, and say they found Bigfoot. Keep in mind this is the same state that produced something called "
Hogzilla" and his much nastier sister "
Cynthia McKinney." Do these guys really believe that there is a race of half-human, half-apes hiding in North Georgia? Do they even have
regular apes in Georgia?
Bring the pain...1. Do you prefer a hotter climate or a colder climate?Hotter is better, the cold hurts.
2. If you could live anywhere on the planet and money wasn’t an object, which area would you choose? Somewhere in the South, maybe near a beach.
3. Do you prefer walking, riding a bike, driving or flying when you are going somewhere? Driving, or flying if I could afford it.
4. Take the quiz: What planet do you come from?
What Planet Are You From?5. What is the biggest change you have made to help the environment?I put one out of every 6 cans in the recycle bin. and my car is fuel-efficient.
6. If scientists discovered signs of life on another planet, would you worry about your safety if that material was brought to Earth for study? Nope. There should be no boundaries for
ethical study. I don't think you should clone humans, but if a wookiee was discovered I'd say let's find out all we can about him.
What about you? Hit comments and release your inner Boba Fett.