Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Naughty Librarian

Name seven cool movie gadgets you’d like to own:
  • Ziggy from Quantum Leap: A little pda that can tell you the future.
  • Communicator Badge from Star Trek: Just tap your chest and talk, better than bluetooth!
  • Darth Vader's innards from Star Wars: Anakin was basically a barbequed torso, then they made him into this 7 foot asthmatic menace.
  • The Holodeck from Star Trek: I'd never leave the house if I had one of those!
  • Rosie the Robot maid from The Jetsons: Actually, I just want a maid. :)
    Listen: Name one cover of a song that you think is better than the original. There are many, but the first one that comes to mind is "Walk This Way." Aerosmith's original is pretty good, but Run-DMC's is legendary.
    Watch: What was your favorite show in the 90s? The Sopranos, without a doubt.
    Read: Name the ideal setting for reading a book (at the park, in bed with candles, etc.). Sitting on the throne.

    Top 5 "Goodbye" songs
  • Boyz II Men - "It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday" 90's goodness. A nod to the 1970's flick "Cooley High."
  • "Excuse me, but is this really goodbye?" Prince outtake goodness.
  • "Time of your life (Good Riddance)" Green Day. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
  • "Na Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye" Cheezy 60's goodness.
  • "I will always love you" - Dolly's version not that crackhead Whitney's!
  • Abby's New Haircut

    Abby's Haircut!
    She took some scissors to her hair, which inspired the new 'do.

    Monday, August 25, 2008

    Take a look at this list of famous musical vegetarians and vegans. List your favorite song by each person.
    Paul McCartney (it looks like all of the Beatles were vegetarians, actually). To Live And Let Die. Hearing it live is phenomenal. John was always the protester of the group, then after he died Paul didn't exactly take up the anti-war vibe. He became vegan. Maybe he can grow a set using the compost he's no doubt making in the backyard of his mansion.
    Johnny Marr and Morrissey (pick a Smiths song) Umm none. I never listen to these dorks.
    Fiona Apple - Sleep To Dream I loved this song from the first time I heard it and saw the video. It takes me back to 1995. No surprise this granola chick is a vegan.
    Prince - Too many. But being a vegan has prompted him to write some whack songs.
    Meat Loaf (oh, the irony!) "I would do anything for an organic vegan brownie."
    Carrie Underwood No fucking idea.
    Chris Martin (pick a Coldplay song) - Mexican Clocks Except for this tune, this band sucks. Who the hell cares if you're depressed. Snap out of it, pussies.

    I'm a meat-atarian. Man is a hunter and gatherer... we should eat meat... it's in our DNA... contrary to Peta's view that man's insides aren't meant for meat.
    What do you think? Hit 'comments' and release your inner Ted Nugent.

    Hey, ya know what?

    I hate Dane Cook and The Big Lebowski. Neither are funny.
    There, I said it.

    Friday, August 22, 2008

    Badass JamZ

    Hey Teens...
    I was listening to the Hits channel on Sirius, and it was horrible. I've always said the day I got old was the day I complained about today's popular music and saying, "Back in my day..."

    Guess what. I'm old.

    I was mildly amused the "I kissed a girl and I liked it" song... then I realized I was playing into this crappy pop singer's hands. She never kissed a girl... but she did know that guys are into the thought of chicks kissing. Guilty as charged... but don't pander to me.

    Anyway, for some decent music, hit play on the tape to the right and hear some badass JamZ. Some of the tunes suck, I put them in to make the other ones look that much better. Which ones do you think are the sucky ones? I used to have a bunch of these tunes on "mix CDs" which are commonplace now, but back in my day, we had mixtapes, then I came up with mix CDs. Yes me. I'm taking credit for it. I was doing it before you or the nerdy kid you knew in 1995. Everyone who listened to them said "this rocks." The CDs are all gone now, people either took them or I gave them away. I believe music should be shared. So hit play... then hit comments and release your inner Casey Kasem.

    Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Bigfoot my foot!

    The Bigfoot thing was a hoax. Stevie Wonder could see it was a just a gorilla suit.

    Word Association

    We haven't done a music word association in awhile:
    Ending: "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
    Long: The Long and Winding Road
    School: School's out for... ever.
    Teen: Teenage Wasteland
    Crazy: Crazy... for thinking that my love could hold you
    Search: Hold on, I'm still searching for a song with search in it.
    Baby: Hit me baby one more time.
    Shoes: These boots were made for walkin...
    Mellow: I wanna get lost in the mellow mellow of my mind.
    Window: Put a candle in the window.

    OK teens, it's your turn, hit comments and release your inner John Fogerty.

    Saturday, August 16, 2008

    The best things in life

    Number 081608: Mrs. Freshley's Doughnut Sticks.  Maybe it's because I'm starving, but these fucking things rock.

    It smells like Bigfoot's dick!

    What the hell is this? Only in Georgia would two rednecks get together, dress one of them up as a gorilla, get into a freezer, and say they found Bigfoot. Keep in mind this is the same state that produced something called "Hogzilla" and his much nastier sister "Cynthia McKinney." Do these guys really believe that there is a race of half-human, half-apes hiding in North Georgia? Do they even have regular apes in Georgia?
    Bring the pain...
    1. Do you prefer a hotter climate or a colder climate?
    Hotter is better, the cold hurts.
    2. If you could live anywhere on the planet and money wasn’t an object, which area would you choose? Somewhere in the South, maybe near a beach.
    3. Do you prefer walking, riding a bike, driving or flying when you are going somewhere? Driving, or flying if I could afford it.
    4. Take the quiz: What planet do you come from?

    What Planet Are You From?

    5. What is the biggest change you have made to help the environment?
    I put one out of every 6 cans in the recycle bin. and my car is fuel-efficient.
    6. If scientists discovered signs of life on another planet, would you worry about your safety if that material was brought to Earth for study? Nope. There should be no boundaries for ethical study. I don't think you should clone humans, but if a wookiee was discovered I'd say let's find out all we can about him.

    What about you? Hit comments and release your inner Boba Fett.