Hey Teens...
I was listening to the Hits channel on Sirius, and it was horrible. I've always said the day I got old was the day I complained about today's popular music and saying, "Back in my day..."
Guess what. I'm old.
I was mildly amused the "I kissed a girl and I liked it" song... then I realized I was playing into this crappy pop singer's hands. She never kissed a girl...
but she did know that guys are into the thought of chicks kissing. Guilty as charged... but don't pander to me.

Anyway, for some decent music, hit play on the tape to the right and hear some badass JamZ. Some of the tunes suck, I put them in to make the other ones look
that much better. Which ones do you think are the sucky ones? I used to have a bunch of these tunes on "mix CDs" which are commonplace now, but back in my day, we had mixtapes, then I came up with mix CDs. Yes me. I'm taking credit for it. I was doing it before you or the nerdy kid you knew in 1995. Everyone who listened to them said "this rocks." The CDs are all gone now, people either took them or I gave them away. I believe music should be shared. So hit play... then hit comments and release your inner Casey Kasem.
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