We're back from our trip to New Orleans. It was fun, we caught up with so many family and friends that we haven't seen in a while. It was also a time to see the changes in the city in which I grew up. Much of it has changed, but much has stayed the same. Of course I wouldn't expect the city to stop changing just because I moved away 18 years ago. I guess you're always jarred by things changing. My view of the city also changed. The trip was jam-packed with things to do. We enjoyed much good food, including po-boys, crawfish pies, and breaking with tradition, BBQ. Much is said about New Orleans food, and many of the locals will tell you just because the restaurant is pretty shabby the food will still be good. I believe that, sometimes. Here's why: We drove 8+ hours to NO, and the last thing I wanna do is sit in some shithole of a restaurant because they make good sandwiches. For Mr. Pete's sake, 70s paneling on the walls and taped up pictures of Saints players ain't "flair," its crap. It's emblematic of the entire city. Driving up and down the roads, I see the same old rotting buildings and houses I once knew, right next to new buildings. Why should they change? That's the way its always been, and that's the way it'll always be. At City Park (where the above pic was taken), we brought the kids to "Storyland," which is an old ass mother goose-themed kiddie area. Right next to it, was a beautiful "Great Lawn" with more new construction next to that. I used to be amused by that shit and say, "Only in New Orleans..." but I'm tired of that. After Katrina, A Super Bowl, and the BP disaster, it's time to set the bar a bit higher. Don't get me wrong, I love the city and I'm already planning my next trip there. Or maybe I'm the one that needs to change.
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