Sunday, January 16, 2011

Alex Takes A Stand

The boy's been fighting it for a long time now. But he decided it was time. I have no idea why he has no clothes on, and Abby has a jacket on. I swear we're not trailer park people. They don't have Kool-Aid stains in their face and have never watched wrestling.

"Hey Chas, why did you use Vimeo, rather than YouTube, like you usually do?"
Because YouTube, R.E.M., and Warner Bros. are all a bunch of dicks. I can't put a song to a video of my kid because a bunch of corporate bitches and overpaid pretentious rock stars are worried it'll take away from their bottom line. Congratulations douchebags, you've successfully protected an overrated band against a little kid. OH wait, the video still got online. Warner Bros. records and films still suck.

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