Thursday, January 06, 2011


If I say I don't like cynical people, does that make me a cynic?
I realize the world is not a series of rainbows, lollipops and unicorns, but things aren't that bad. Especially among the people I work with. I sit at my workstation that has Internet and cable, there's heat in winter and ac in summer, and up one flight of stairs are vending machines and clean restrooms. Down one flight of stairs is a food court and tourists who ask you about the cool job they think you have. The company pays well and has benefits among the best in the country. What could anyone have to bitch about? The answer: Everything.
I hear "The company this.. the company that...:" or "this person said this and that." Today I sat and listened to two people go on and on about how celebrities who help charities are assholes. Sure its all fake and stuff, but why the vitriol? It annoys me when people look at the shitty side of everything. "That asshole Santa Claus is probably jacking off to your family's pictures when he's bringing presents."
Things could be worse, much worse. There's no heavy lifting, we don't leave work smelling like grease and we're not paid in pennies. In this economy, we should be glad we have jobs at all. Sure I bitch about my job, etc., but if I told anyone about the pride I feel when I walk into work, they'd laugh at me. LAUGH HARD at me. Why is that wrong? I just hope other people's shit is not contagious. Is my ignorance bliss? I'm so not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. My motto in life has always been "It's all about perspective." Why is a positive one the exception and not the rule?

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