Who knew such a thing existed? Well it don't. Unless you count the semi-incestuous kiss between Luke and Princess Leia erotic. I was 4 when Star Wars came out, I thought it was gross. Something I think is not gross is Natalie Portman naked. Yes, our Princess Amidala is going to
bare it all in a movie soon. Wait... hear that? Thats the sound of nerds everywhere sporting stiffies. OK, me too.

The original intergalactic temptress was, of course, Princess Leia in her metal bikini in Return of the Jedi. That set many a young man's heart aflutter. OK, me too. Now after 23 years, those metal cups-o-love are still tend to
uplift the spirits of nerds everywhere. Ok, me too.
What about you? Who do you think is the hottest sci-fi character? Click comments and release your inner Chewbacca.
Hey Chas:
ReplyDeleteI hate to burst your bubble,but it is her body double that will be nude. In case you haven't noticed Natalie looks like a 12 yr old boy.
Love Kat
One can dream!!