Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Izzit Wrong?
Izzit wrong that I told a woman at work her 6-day-old turkey leftovers smelled like the twat of Satan's mother-in-law?
If your food stinks, keep it home. I bring a sammich and ramen noodles that have no smell for this very reason. I don't wanna smell your shitty food, I don't expect you to smell mine.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Izzit Wrong?
Izzit wrong that I called a random co-worker "Welcome Back Kotter" just because he has a jew fro and a mustache?
Monday, November 14, 2011
Izzit Wrong?
Izzit Wrong that I didn't apologize to the weather anchor for taking a shit while he was putting on his make up in the newsroom bathroom?
Izzit Wrong that I told a black lady at work she looked like Tara's crackhead mama on True Blood?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I don't even know if coyotes really eat roadrunners. Just another fact I learned from cartoons. Like cavemen wrote on tablets with woodpeckers and when you bang someone on the head with a pan it makes a funny noise.
I've been writing business news on TV for a while now, and I've come to the conclusion that my best advice is for people to stop watching business news on TV. It'll just drive you crazy, may cost you money, and cause unnecessary panic. Yet my paycheck is based on reporting on such craziness, some of that paycheck gets invested in the things that I write about. Not quite a circle of life, but I think its interesting nonetheless. I've attempted several times to write stories that amount to telling people to calm the fuck down, but it's been poo-poo'd. Oh well, what do I know? People say our situation the US is so bad, but it's not. It ain't great, but it's a hell of a lot better than the rest of the world. What's the alternative? Living in China? The economy's great there, but you're living in fucking China. And those who blame the president or congress, if you're waiting for Washington to make your life better, you're deserve what you get. You think they can make the economy better? They can't. They can help it out, but in the end it rests on the shoulders of the people. Not the knuckleheads in DC, certainly not the guy sitting in the oval office. Of course I say this while we have 2 great jobs in our family. But that wasn't always the case, and I didn't whine, I worked like hell to make my situation better. I sacrificed, busted my ass, and didn't ask for the government to magically bestow a better job upon me. I learned many lessons, and now years later, I still work 6-7 days a week, even though I don't have to. I do it because want a lifestyle where I don't sweat when I'm paying bills and one that isn't dependent upon anyone but myself.
And what is this planking shit? Are you people retarded? Go fuck yourselves.
Louie is a good show.
What do you think? Hit reply and release your inner Denis Leary.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comments of the Day
From the same attention-starved idiot:
Let me go put my VEEEGGIIIEE BUURGGEERR in the refrigerator.
I'm used to places delivering until 3 am.
Whatever makes you feel better honey.
Let me go put my VEEEGGIIIEE BUURGGEERR in the refrigerator.
I'm used to places delivering until 3 am.
Whatever makes you feel better honey.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment of the Day
"Okaaay, talk to me later!"
Loudmouth broad's way of saying 'I'm so cool, this is how I end conversations.'
When I snap, that corner of the room's getting it first.
Loudmouth broad's way of saying 'I'm so cool, this is how I end conversations.'
When I snap, that corner of the room's getting it first.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
G, Cadd9, Am, D
And I'll lie too and say I don't mind
And as we seek so shall we find
And when you're feeling open I'll still be here
But not without a certain degree of fear
Of what will be with you and me
I still can see things hopefully
And as we seek so shall we find
And when you're feeling open I'll still be here
But not without a certain degree of fear
Of what will be with you and me
I still can see things hopefully
Friday, April 22, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Quote of the Day
"They been saying kids should eat dirt, cuz it gives them local immunity."
So much stupidity in so few words.
So much stupidity in so few words.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Humorous Newsroom Comment Of The Day
Anchor on the traffic getting into work Wednesday:
"Is there some kind of special needs conference going on downtown?"
"Is there some kind of special needs conference going on downtown?"
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Rare Newsroom Compliment of the Year
"02 was nicely nicely done. clear, concise and a pleasure to read"
After getting brow-beat all day, the anchor floated me some props.
It turned my shitty day around.
For now.
After getting brow-beat all day, the anchor floated me some props.
It turned my shitty day around.
For now.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Quote of the Day
"Alright, nobody talk to me until 5 o'clock."
It must be nice to be so important you can be a dick to your co-workers.
Co-workers that are working hard to make your dumb ass look good.
It must be nice to be so important you can be a dick to your co-workers.
Co-workers that are working hard to make your dumb ass look good.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment of the Day
"I'm so mad, he bought that yellow hat I wanted."
Really, fancy boy? Really?
Really, fancy boy? Really?
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment of the Day
"Daddy used to plant peanuts."
You're an adult, talk like one. He's not my daddy, don't talk about him like he is. I know this is a southern colloquialism, but that doesn't make talking like a retard ok.
You're an adult, talk like one. He's not my daddy, don't talk about him like he is. I know this is a southern colloquialism, but that doesn't make talking like a retard ok.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Quote of the Day
"My moral center is so different than everyone else's, I couldn't bear to eat cake."
Thursday, March 03, 2011
It's the little things.
Sometimes the little bad things mount and seem like a big bad thing. Then the little good things add up and make the ride worth it. For a while, it felt like my bad days were outnumbering the good days. I know I have no reason to complain, I have more blessings than I deserve, but sometimes I still do. Then all of things little things pop up and restore the spirit. I look forward to those tiny blessings, and hope they come more often. I remember what Oscar says:

Monday, February 07, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment of the Day
"Most of the sugar I get is in wine."
Such a health nut.
The sheer banality of discourse here is incredible.
Such a health nut.
The sheer banality of discourse here is incredible.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment Of the Day
"My favorite Falco song is... Of course, it wasn't a hit over here, just in Germany."
How fucking worldly.
How fucking worldly.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Alex Takes A Stand
The boy's been fighting it for a long time now. But he decided it was time. I have no idea why he has no clothes on, and Abby has a jacket on. I swear we're not trailer park people. They don't have Kool-Aid stains in their face and have never watched wrestling.
"Hey Chas, why did you use Vimeo, rather than YouTube, like you usually do?"
Because YouTube, R.E.M., and Warner Bros. are all a bunch of dicks. I can't put a song to a video of my kid because a bunch of corporate bitches and overpaid pretentious rock stars are worried it'll take away from their bottom line. Congratulations douchebags, you've successfully protected an overrated band against a little kid. OH wait, the video still got online. Warner Bros. records and films still suck.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment Of The Day
"I can't go out drinking tonight, I've drank 3 days this week. That's a lot of sugar. and sodium."
Sugar isn't really the problem, is it fancy boy?
Sugar isn't really the problem, is it fancy boy?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What snow days are all about: Playing in the snow with the kiddos. We didn't play for long, it was too damn cold. I slid down a little hill in my backyard. Notherners are probably laughing at Atlanta's shitty snow response, but this is why we live in the south... so that we only have to deal with this bullshit once a year. I don't know why I felt the need to dress like a cross between Kenny McCormick and an Afghan woman.

Thursday, January 06, 2011
If I say I don't like cynical people, does that make me a cynic?
I realize the world is not a series of rainbows, lollipops and unicorns, but things aren't that bad. Especially among the people I work with. I sit at my workstation that has Internet and cable, there's heat in winter and ac in summer, and up one flight of stairs are vending machines and clean restrooms. Down one flight of stairs is a food court and tourists who ask you about the cool job they think you have. The company pays well and has benefits among the best in the country. What could anyone have to bitch about? The answer: Everything.
I hear "The company this.. the company that...:" or "this person said this and that." Today I sat and listened to two people go on and on about how celebrities who help charities are assholes. Sure its all fake and stuff, but why the vitriol? It annoys me when people look at the shitty side of everything. "That asshole Santa Claus is probably jacking off to your family's pictures when he's bringing presents."
Things could be worse, much worse. There's no heavy lifting, we don't leave work smelling like grease and we're not paid in pennies. In this economy, we should be glad we have jobs at all. Sure I bitch about my job, etc., but if I told anyone about the pride I feel when I walk into work, they'd laugh at me. LAUGH HARD at me. Why is that wrong? I just hope other people's shit is not contagious. Is my ignorance bliss? I'm so not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. My motto in life has always been "It's all about perspective." Why is a positive one the exception and not the rule?
I realize the world is not a series of rainbows, lollipops and unicorns, but things aren't that bad. Especially among the people I work with. I sit at my workstation that has Internet and cable, there's heat in winter and ac in summer, and up one flight of stairs are vending machines and clean restrooms. Down one flight of stairs is a food court and tourists who ask you about the cool job they think you have. The company pays well and has benefits among the best in the country. What could anyone have to bitch about? The answer: Everything.
I hear "The company this.. the company that...:" or "this person said this and that." Today I sat and listened to two people go on and on about how celebrities who help charities are assholes. Sure its all fake and stuff, but why the vitriol? It annoys me when people look at the shitty side of everything. "That asshole Santa Claus is probably jacking off to your family's pictures when he's bringing presents."
Things could be worse, much worse. There's no heavy lifting, we don't leave work smelling like grease and we're not paid in pennies. In this economy, we should be glad we have jobs at all. Sure I bitch about my job, etc., but if I told anyone about the pride I feel when I walk into work, they'd laugh at me. LAUGH HARD at me. Why is that wrong? I just hope other people's shit is not contagious. Is my ignorance bliss? I'm so not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. My motto in life has always been "It's all about perspective." Why is a positive one the exception and not the rule?
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Annoying Newsroom Comment Of The Day
"It's easier than trialing and erroring."
This from someone who works in the communications business. Jeez.
This from someone who works in the communications business. Jeez.
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