Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tuesday is Choose Day

    Would you rather:
  1. uncontrolably burp loudly while meeting the queen of england OR fart silently, but deadly, while meeting the pope? Cut a fart with the Pope. I could just blame it on him.
  2. punch a stranger in the face OR kick your mother in the shin? Punch the stranger. You don't know him, and if he swings back, you can punch him again.
  3. have a reputation for sleeping around OR a reputation for being a hermit? What about sleeping around with a hermit? Hmmmm Sleeping around.
  4. live where the temperature never goes below 80°F (26°C) OR where it never goes above 60°F (15°C)? Without a doubt, where the temperature never gets below 80! I hate the cold.

Under the weather...
1. What is worse: having the flu or getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
I've never had my wisdom teeth pulled, but I've had the flu. I can live with the flu, and it'll eventually go away. The wisdom teeth thing sounds painful, but that pain eventually goes away. I'd say the teeth sounds more painful.
2. What are two "comfort" foods you want when you are sick/ill? None in particular, just having your stomach full is good enough.
3. When sick, do you need somebody to take care of you or you can take care of yourself? Myself.
4. When you start to feel ill, do you go straight to the medicine cabinet to pop pills or do you wait it out to see how bad it will get?
Pop a pill. I go through so many pills. Pain relievers, stomach pills, and of course, sinus tablets.
5. What are two things you do to help prevent illness (vitamins, eat healthy, etc.)? Stay the hell away from sick people, and I occasionally take vitamins, when I remember..

The Super Bowl
1. How much of this year's Super Bowl did you watch? Do you watch any of the pre-game hype?
I watched a little of it. None of the pre-game hype because I didn't really give a shit.

2. What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl? Least favorite? The GoDaddy.com wardrobe malfunction one! The rest were boring. Thanks again Janet.

3. Did you like the half-time show? It was OK. I love Paul McCartney, but it was so toned down and devoid of spectacle, that it came off kinda bland. I've seen Paul live and even live on video, and he's a much more dynamic performer, so I guess he's getting old and they told him not to play around.

4. What's your favorite food to eat while watching the Super Bowl? None in particular. I'm quite fond of eating cool ranch doritoes at any point in the day though.

~ BONUS ~ A lot has been made over the years about the post-Super Bowl slot to highlight or launch TV shows. It was the post-Super Bowl spot that brought us the A-Team and the Wonder Years. Do you stay up to watch the post-Super Bowl shows? What is the most memorable post-Super Bowl show you've seen? I can't remember that many of the post-Super bowl shows. I remember the 2nd season of 'Survivor' started after the 2001 Super Bowl. That was a big deal. I didn't watch it though. This year's post SB shows were OK. It was an OK episode of the Simpsons (which is funnier than 95% of whats on TV today!), and this new show called American Dad. It was bland like the rest of the Super Bowl.

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