Wednesday, May 11, 2005


01. How many music files do you have on your hard drive? About 100, but I regularly save them on a CD-Rom. In all, including my serious collection of Prince Bootleg mp3s, I have about 10,000 songs.
02. What was the last song that you heard that made you want to buy the cd immediately? None really. I like just downloading them. 9 times outta 10 the rest of the CDs gonna suck. I did get the Ozzy Box set, because it was all new versions of classic songs, and it came with a DVD. These new "dual disc" releases that are coming out now are interesting. Its an easy way to get back at the downloaders. I'd actually buy a disc if it came with something more than the usual 15 tunes.
03. Name at least four of your favorite 'oldies but goodies'. There are too many old songs I like. I'll give you four of my favorite artists that are considered "oldies:" a) The Beatles. Classic, no explanation needed. b) Jimmy Buffett. The guy had one hit single in the last 25 years, but still sells out arenas, and makes millions. I like his tunes a lot. c) Willie Nelson. This guy puts out an album a year, and goes on tour every year. He's approaching 103 years old, but still puts on a hell of a show, and will stand outside his bus for hours signing autographs. d) The Eagles. These guys seem to be douchebags in real life, and I'm sure are just going out on tour for the money ($250 to look at 4 middle age guys up close? c'mon!), but damn its good to hear those songs being played live. Joe Walsh is the exception, he seems like a fun guy to hang with. He probably lives to play jokes on Don Henley.
04. What is the last song that you like so much you just HAD to learn the lyrics "In My Daughter's Eyes"... for obvious reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    10,000 files! Whether on your PC or not, that's a pretty impressive collection.

    I agree with you on artists offering extras with a CD -- it definitely a buying incentive.

    Thanks for introducing me to "In My Daughters Eyes" It's one of those instances when a song is more than a song.

    Thanks so much for Mamboing with us. BDI appreciates the support!
