Who are the first Mtv VJs that you can remember? I remember the first ones. Martha Quinn, Mark Goodman, Alan Hunter, Nina Blackwell, and

JJ Jackson (r.i.p.). I wasted so much of my youth watching them!
Name 3 tv shows that aired on Mtv. (were any of them actually music related?) The 3 best:

Yo! MTV Raps The greatest of all MTV shows. This show is often overlooked as being a major part of the rap revolution. Before Yo!, there was no rap on TV. Where would white kids see rap videos before YO!? It took rap out of the hood, and put it in the suburbs. Fab 5 Freddy, Dr. Dre (the fat one, not the former NWA one), and Ed Lover kicked ass.

Remote Control This was a great pop-culture game show. Adam Sandler, Colin Quinn & Kari Wuhrer got their starts on the show. I remember as a kid I knew all the answers, and hoped to one day sit in the recliner... and you get pelted with cereal if you get a question wrong. It rocked.
The Osbournes It turned Ozzy from Metal God to America's favorite dad. And it transformed his mental family into celebs as well. Yes, it jumped the shark fairly quick, but Ozzy still rules.
What bands do you think would be nothing without Mtv? Are you kidding? Any pop group that had a top 10 single after 1984!!! Case in point, before MTV, the hot groups were The Eagles, Christopher Cross and Grand Funk Railroad. The only place you would see what your favorite singer looked like was on the album cover, in concert, and sometimes in concerrt. Then when you actually had to look at the guys, they looked like regular schlubs (like me). Then MTV came along with the cool haircuts, the badass clothes, and just an image no one had seen before. Do you think Duran Duran would be anything without a video? Hell no.
Bonus: What is your favorite music video? Smack My Bitch Up by Prodigy. I've never sat in front of a video with my mouth agape, then that surprise ending! Somehow
everyone should see it, then you'll see why I like it!
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