A. The past.
B. The present.
C. The future as you think it will be.
D. The future as you are afraid it will be.
The future as I think it will be. If you live in the past and go backwards, you'll never go forward, or get anything new. Like my Dad always says, "If you do what you always did, you gonna get what you always got." Onward and Upward. Nobody can make your future for you. Do what you have to do to make your future what you want it to be. A dream without a plan is just an activity.
2. Name three famous people (living or dead) whose blogs you would like to be able to read. Prince, John Lennon, Ron Jeremy.

3. How long have you lived in your current residence? How much longer do you intend to live in the same place? We've lived in this shithole for like 10 months, and we're getting out ASAP. Soon as the new house is ready, we're outta here. Pix of it is in the flickr.
4. Take the pointless quiz: What color is your heart? Black.
6. RAPID FIRE Question #2: Who or what is the most annoying:
a) Politician George W. Bush
b) Late Night Talk Show Host Jay Leno. "Have you seen this, have you heard about this?"
c) Color Periwinkle. Actually I'm colorblind, so they all are annoying.
d) Habit Smoking. If you want to inhale smoke and carcinogens, do it so it doesn't invade my airspace, bitch.
e) Female Celebrity Paris Hilton, Star Jones, Rosie O'donnell, J-Lo, The list goes on.
f) Male Celebrity Anyone affiliated with American Idol.
g) Television Show American Idol
h) Commercial The biracial life partners in the AOL commercial (see the other post )
i) Fashion Statement Trucker Hats. Even more when they're sideways.
j) Word Blog
Thanx 2 Patrick's Place
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