Q3: At the same time that the U.S. Department of Defense is failing to meet recruitment goals and is forcing some soldiers to stay in Iraq longer than they had signed up for, soldiers are being forced out of the military because they are gay. In light of these facts, or not, how do you feel about the U.S. military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy? The policy is obviously a bunch of crap. These guys are willing to put their life on the line, and the military says, "No Thanks." Let the people who want to fight, fight... and let those who want to come home, come home. Regardless if they take it up the ass.
Q4: What are your favorite sections of a bookstore? The magazines. I judge books by their covers cuz I don't like to read anything that isn't filled with pictures or begins with "Dear Penthouse Forum..."
Appetizer:What was your first "real" job? Channel 4 in El Valle.
Soup: Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? Titty Bar... seriously, I go to work, because there is always someone who has better ideas than I do. That makes me want to be a better writer or a better producer.
Salad: Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when... I open my mouth... or pretty much all the time.
Main Course: What values did your parents instill in you? All of them. Right from wrong to work ethics.
Dessert: Name 3 fads from your teenage years Rolling up your pants real tight, low-rider trucks, high-top fades.
If you were free from any consequence...
1. ... what one thing would you say to your boss? In a tv environment, you're not only encouraged to speak your mind, but its expected. As for my ex-bosses, I would tell them to go straight to hell. I would ask them how they can sleep.
2. ... what one thing would you say to the president of your country? Are you as stupid in real life as you are on TV?
3. ... what one thing would you change about someone? If they have a disease, I would take it away.
4. ... what one thing would you change about yourself? Umm everything.
5. ... what one thing would you do right now? I would go steal a big ass plasma TV and a laptop.
The New Pope:

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