Sin City is one badass movie. A total guy flick. It has the holy trinity of guy movies: boobs, violence and car chases. Its based on the graphic novels of Frank Miller. It looks like you're reading a comic book on the movie screen. Even the writing is lifted straight from its graphic novel origins. Its black and white, but in every shot there's one thing thats colorized, and it really jumps out of the screen at you. A number of times throughout the movie I found myself loudly saying, "Whoa!" Then I notice the rest of the audience was doing the same thing. The actors were OK. Bruce Willis played the same cop with a chip on his shoulder he plays in every movie. Mickey Roarke is good as Marv, although you can barely see him under tons of make up. And of course there are hot chicks in every scene. Rosario Dawson turns in her best performance since 'Josie and the Pussycats.' :) Our darling little Rory from Gilmore Girls takes a turn for the worst and becomes a hooker. What would Lorelai say? And then there's Jessica Alba, the hottest female on the planet. She's scary hot as she tries to seduce Bruce Willis' octogenarian character. I'm sensing oscar buzz for our Dark Angel.

The audience was filled with comic book dorks who were high-fiving each other during the movie. I found that rather umm retarded. I was waiting for the comic book guy from the Simpsons to stand up and say, "Worst gratuitous tit shot EVER!"
This is one of 3 movies I'm looking forward to this year, Revenge of the Sith and Batman Begins are the others. All 3 are portrayals of one's dark side. Perhaps in them, you see your own dark side. Maybe thats the attraction. Its an interesting dynamic... between the face put on for everyone, and what lies beneath.
What do you think? Hit comments and release your inner Bruce Wayne.
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