Q1: Do you like your office space? Why or why not? I like the movie
Office Space. I don't really have a cube or a desk or anything. I find a computer and work my magic from there.
Q2: Have you ever changed a flat tire on an automobile? If you never have, do you think you'll be able to if and when the time comes? Once or twice. I watched a guy do it a few weeks ago. :) I think unless you drive it off-road or run over something sharp, with regular maintenence, you won't get a flat tire.
Q3: Joseph Ratzinger, now known as Pope Benedict XVI, is being characterized by some as a hero to the conservative wing of the Catholic Church, and by others as something of a Darth Vader figure to liberal Catholics. Despite your religious affiliation, how do you feel about Ratzinger's selection as Pope? See my
previous rant. I'm sure the guy's done some good work, I just don't agree with his ultra-conservative views. But if he's really Darth Vader, I may change my views. :)
Q4: A privately supported, not-for-profit membership organization, National Public Radio (NPR) serves more than 750 independently operated, noncommercial public radio stations, each of which serves local listeners with a distinctive combination of national and local programming. Do you listen to NPR? If you do listen to NPR, have you ever made a donation to support its efforts? If you do listen but have never made a donation, do you think you ever will? Why or why not? I'm knee-deep in news all day, I sure as hell ain't gonna listen to that boring, monotone crap. The real news is boring enough. As for a donation, why the fuck would I pay for it? Its like the PBS pledge drive. Why would I help support TV that sucks? If they want some donations, put on some good stuff. Can't they play "Sopranos" reruns, or at least "Mama's Family" reruns? Their reality show 'Colonial House' shows people bathing naked in a lake, but do they show anything good? Hell no. Show a little T&A, then maybe they'd get some donations. It takes one show to launch a network. South Park launched Comedy Central, Queer Eye launched Bravo, The Valerie Bertinelli/Meredith Baxter Birney "Cancer-stricken abducted-kids-by-an-ex with an eating-disorder divorcee, but I have a plucky spirit and I'm fighting back" movie launched Lifetime. Show some shit people wanna watch, and give them more than a tote bag when they do.
1. How many locations (dwellings) have you lived in? About 20... soon to be 21.
2. If you could place your dream home in any location, where would it be? On a beach somewhere, within walking distance from a Best Buy.
3. In terms of the act of moving: are you a packer or a box mover? Packer. I pay messikans to do the moving. I went to college so my fat ass don't have to do manual labor. I think Manuel Labor is the guy who moved my stuff here. Gracias, Manuel, gracias.
4. What one item do you own that you absolutely hate to move? Ask Manuel. :) Seriously, the computer and stereo stuff is a pain to move because I have a birds nest of wires behind them that I have to sort out.
5. What's worse: the act of moving or a routine cleaning at the dentist? Moving, definately. Teeth cleaning just takes an hour, and if you do it twice a year it isn't an ordeal. And sometimes the hot hygenist flops her boobs in your face.
Appetizer: Name something that helps you fall asleep. Listening to music or reading... or listening to NPR.
Soup: Who brings out the best in you? I have no best to bring out.
Salad: What do you like to do on a rainy day? I do my regular routine, I just drive a little slower.
Main Course: Complete this sentence: In our home, we never have enough... Quesadilla fixin's and Sinus Tablets.
Dessert: Which shoe do you put on first? Right.
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