the use of corsets Sounds painful.
Star Wars, the movie The greatest ever. This tuesday the final DVD comes out. You know I'm gonna be the first dork in line at Best Buy. Overall, Star Wars is a pop culture phenomenon, that changed the movie industry, and it was a big part of my childhood. The special edition of 'Office Space' comes out tuesday as well. I'mma have to get that one too.
the possibility of a bird flu epidemic Get A flu shot and have some Tamiflu ready. I don't think human to human transmission of it is possible, so unless you're the South Park Chicken Lover, You probably will be alright. The poultry industry had a small outbreak in the early 80s, and they put up certain safeguards. Still, better safe than sorry.
actor Kelsey Grammer ('Frasier') I always thoght him and his brother were gay on the show, despite their lusting after the opposite sex. In real life, Grammer has a hot wife.
Horror fiction I dunno, I would have to read a book to form an opinion on that subject, and I can't make that kind of commitment in this post-9/11 world.
1. how did you celebrate hallowe'en as a child? did your mother make your costume, did you go trick-r-treating with friends, etc? My mom would either make me a costume or just go buy me one. I grew out of trick-or-treating fairly early. Mostly because it involved walking, even though it was for candy.
2. what was your best (or most memorable) costume growing up? My mom made me a cool Stormtrooper uniform. It was basically a white shirt and pants with a design drawn on it with a sharpie. I went as Gene Simmons when I was 8, even though I hadn't heard one song by Kiss, I still thought he was cool.
3. a lot of evangelical christians refuse to celebrate hallowe'en because they feel it is "satan's holiday." how do you feel about that? I feel its presumptuous to put an apostrophe in halloween. In the dictionary, there's no apostrophe, and in every place its written you don't see one. How ghey. Anyway, people who think Halloween is satan's holiday are foolish. The holiday is about dressing up and eating candy, and going to a party maybe. Thats it, nothing else. My baby's going as a dragonfly, is she a devil worshipper now? The christians who are against it obviously have not learned the history of the holiday.
The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve. November 1, "All Hollows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31.
The story goes on to say that you dress up because the souls of those who died the previous year are looking for a body to possess, but they can't find you if you're dressed up. So to all you Christians out there who don't like halloween, LIGHTEN UP, AND EAT SOME CANDY.
4. as an adult, do you ever dress up for hallowe'en? Occasionally. I did last year:
5. do you give out candy every year to trick or treaters, or do you turn off your lights and pretend you're not home? I've lived in apartments up to now, so I usually turn out the lights and pretend I'm

not home. One time while living in an apartment, I walked to the dumpster to throw away my trash, and on the way back I noticed some kids were knocking on my door. I waited across the parking lot for 15 minutes just to make sure the coast was clear and I could go back inside. What a dick I beez.
This year I live in suburbia in a house, so we're gonna give out candy, if we don't eat it ourselves first. We carved pumpkins tonight which will be our decoration.
6. let's say you were going to a very exclusive, chi-chi costume party for grown-ups. You had unlimited funds to purchase/rent/make your dream costume. what would you go as? tell us about your perfect costume.
Probably a really really accurate Darth Vader costume with the voice changer and breath sounds thingie. Either that or Britney Spears.
7. what's the best hallowe'en costume you've ever seen, either on the 'net, on TV/movies or in real life? Oprah Winfrey, she's pretty scary.
8. every year, i have to purchase the hallowe'en costumes the day of hallowe'en because mr. laura will eat my candy beforehand. do you have a hard time NOT eating the hallowe'en candy before you give it out? ;) Hell yeah. I put our candy bowl on top of the fridge, but that's kinda useless cuz while you're scoping out whats in the fridge, you just reach up and grab a fun-sized Twix™ brand cookie bar.