Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Ole College Try

Since college basketballs been on and I've been writing and re-writing my resume, these answers were fresh in my mind.
1) Did you go to college? Yes, University Of Texas - Pan American. I got a BA in Broadcast Journalism.
2) Did you live in a dorm or an apartment? Not when I went to UTPA, but I did when I went to Nicholls State. It was an experience. Everyone should live in the dorms at least for one year of their college career. There was drinking, studying, and umm more drinking. It was cool to just pop your door open and somebody stop by to chat with you for a while. Both schools I went to were small, which was good.
3) Who was your favorite roommate? Bruno, he was like a big brother, and he was a fraternity brother as well.
4) What is your favorite college sport? Partying.
5) Who was your favorite professor and class? All of my journalism and TV classes were great. There were only 2 strictly TV professors. The rest were theater or speech professors who were kind enough to teach us TV flunkies.

While we're on the subject, there are 2, only only 2, good movies about fraternities: Animal House and Revenge Of The Nerds.

There are also two, and only 2, good movies about golf: Caddyshack and Happy Gilmore.

Agree? Disagree? What was your favorite lines from those flicks?
Hit comments and release your inner Belushi.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about Revenge of the Nerds. It's one of my favorite 80s movies! :)
