Sunday, December 05, 2004

Lazy Sunday

Its cold and rainy here, and it has a bad effect on my mood. Thats why I like the summer time. I live in the south for that reason, I like it here. I like southern people. Anyways, I have no brilliant thoughts so I'll bring you the day's questions:
1) Which stone is your birthstone? Do you like it? Amethyst, a purple stone originally thought to make all who touched it sober if they were drunk. I'm not sure what that symbolizes. What do you think?
2) Do you prefer silver or gold? Neither, Platinum, yo.
3) Name the jewelry that you wear whenever you leave the house. Watch and Pimp Ring.
4) What is your most precious and valuable item of jewelry? My Dad gave me the pimp ring when I graduated High School.
5) Do you carry insurance on any of your jewelry and if not, why not? No. Jewelry is just an object. Its the thought behind them thats important. Not what other people think about you when you wear it. The object can be replaced, the thought behind it should endure.
Political ?s
1. Are you for or against George W. Bush? I think you should be for the President whomever it may be. Not necessarily be a blind follower, but respect the office, even if you don't respect the man. I voted for the other guy in the election, but that doesn't mean I hate Bush. I think he could've done a much better job, and I don't know if he'll do any better in the next four years. I respect the fact that he was democratically elected, and that along with the great freedom we have in voting comes the great responsibility of respecting the majority winner. In this country we also have the freedom to express disagreement with said leaders, and that,to me, is more important than any other right.
2. Are you for or against Firefox or Internet Explorer? I'm for whatever gets the job done. I like that firefox set out to create a better product than the one thats shoved down our throat. The market seems to agree, as IE has gone down to a 90% share of the browser market. Like everything else in the computer game, it'll eventually change. There was a time when Netscape clobbered Mosaic. Do you know anyone who still uses either of those browsers?
3. Downloading music: a gift from the heavens or something that should be outlawed? Easily a gift from the heavens. Like the browser war, the market has spoken. People don't want to pay $15 for a CD with one good track and 11 other shitty ones anymore. Now the industry that's still scared of MP3s is slowly beginning to embrace it. The new U2 album was available legally a week before it hit the shelves, and the album still hit #1. It also forced the market to find new ways to get people to buy CDs. Prices fell a bit (not enough), and they started adding incentives, like videos on the disc or added DVDs. I applaud those moves, but I'm still gonna download my mp3s for free. Screw the record industry. The digital music medium also gives unknown or obscure bands an even playing field on which they can get their music out.
4. How do YOU think the gun control issue should be dealt with? Common sense. Be strict with licensing and selling firearms. Don't sell an assault rifle to a kid or someone with a violent background. Yes, you do have a right to bear arms, but you don't have a right to fill somebody full of holes because you think they came to rob you. If you want the gun for honest reasons, then you should have no problem going throught he legal channels to get one. You have to go through legal channels to get a drivers license, a high school diploma, or a marriage license, so why not a gun. Besides, the spirit of gun control laws is to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Last time I checked, the gang-member who shot and killed the kid who was playing basketball with his friends in the hood did NOT give a shit about getting a license. You can ask him politely if he's got one, though.
5. Would you ever donate to a charity? (Be honest.) I donate my time and energy every week to charity, I don't have extra cash to donate, so I try and do things to help those in need.

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