1. bar soap or shower gel Bar Soap, its cheaper.
2. cd's or cassettes Neither, MP3s.
3. television movies or documentaries Movies. I see to much newsy stuff all day long. When I watch TV or go to the movies, I want it to be as far from reality as possible.
4. wall calendar or desk calendar desk calendar.
5. dsl, cable, or dial-up Cable. Dsl sucks ass, DSL providers suck ass even more. Earthlink can eat the peanuts out my shit.

7. city or country Definately the City.
8. camping or stay in a hotel Hotel. Even cavemen knew to come and sleep inside.
9. gold or silver Platinum baby.
10. fiction or non-fiction books Books? What are those?
11. mashed potatoes or baked potatoes Both!
12. ranch, italian, or catalina dressing Bleu Cheese. Especially on Pizza.
13. solid or spray deodorant solid.
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