1. Any holiday favorites you can't live without? 'A Christmas Story' is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I also like 'A Charlie Brown Christmas.' Other than that, I'm not stuck on Holiday Movies. Why don't they show 'A Rich Little Christmas Carol' any more?
2. Holiday viewing: Parades or Football? HA! Parades without question. Unless I'm going to a football game, I couldn't care less about it.
3. What's your favorite holiday TV memory? Seeing Robbers-turned-pedophiles Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern chasing a pre-pubescent Macaulay Culkin around the house. Seriously, the holidays are a time to turn off the TV. There are more important things around you.
~Bonus~ Holiday remakes, are you a faithful fan of the old classics or do you prefer the newer versions? Depends on the movie or song. Jingle Bells vs. Jingle Bells sung by dogs... which do you think is better? White Christmas by Bing or White Christmas By The King? The King of course! The cartoon grinch vs. the Jim Carrey Grinch... There are countless others.
Hit comments and spew your Christmas bile all over this beeyotch.
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