I think its a funny that ABC stations had no problem showing
the opening of Monday Night Football last night, but could not show Saving Private Ryan on Veterans Day. In the MNF piece, a naked Nicolette Sheridan, star of "Desperate Housewives," jumps into the arms of Eagles Wide Receiver Terrell Owen. I applaud ABC for having the balls to at least *try* and put something provocative on... but I give them a swift kick to the nuts for apologizing for it. Censorship has so many people gunshy. I say TV isn't trashy
enough. There is a time and a place for everyone and everything. While 9pm on a monday night right before a football game might not be the place to show some steamy interracial action, I still think it has a place on TV. As long as there's no nudity or the "7 dirty words," put it on TV. Thats my censorship rant for tonight. I think its funny that the sports guy stood at my desk ranting and raving about how trashy it was, but then kept telling me to replay 9 times. Yep NINE TIMES. God Bless G.T.!
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