Sometimes there are bright spots among the dark nights. This guy was
badly injured during the train derailment in Southern California last week. He writes to his wife and children in blood on the wall of the train because he didn't think he was going to make it. Sure enough, he did. There were so many tragic stories that day, its good to see there are positives. The sad aspect of the whole story is, the piece of shit who caused the whole accident, will spend the rest of his life sitting on his ass in air conditioning watching TV. All because he was going to kill himself by parking his Jeep on the tracks... but then he chickened out... left his jeep on the tracks... and caused the derailment that killed 11 people. Maybe there will be some justice one day.
The ice storm is just as I predicted. Jackasses not knowing how to drive, and the media blowing it out of proportion. I had a quarter inch of ice on the Xterra this afternoon. Not snow, solid ass ice. It was like in that Batman movie with Arnold playing Dr. Freeze. And on the way to work, there were idiots speeding by me, and other idiots running across the road. Why can't they just stay the hell home?
I wouldn't give this guy the satisfaction of getting an early ticket out of life. I would let him sit in that jail to think about the things that he has done to these people for the rest of his life. You have to imagine that the general population would not be so kind to him either. He's not a cold blooded killer, he is just stupid. Let him suffer! Although I wouldn't mind if we started amputating body parts as a capitol punishment just to make his life more miserable.