Thursday, January 27, 2005

Mayhem In The AM

1.Do you spend much time on the phone? Why/why not? Who do you talk to normally when you do talk on the phone? Nope, I just use it for the exchange of vital information and then hang up. Ironically, I love my cell phone.

2. Are you the type of person who has to answer the phone when it rings, or are you able just to let it ring if you don't feel like answering it? Do you at least have voicemail if you don't answer the phone?
No, I always answer it.

3. Cell phones are more and more replacing land lines. What is your primary phone? If you have a land line and you don't really use it, why do you have it?
I only have a land line because the cell phone reception sucks inside my apartment. If not, I'd get rid of the land line.

Bonus Question for Comments: What about after-hours phone calls? What happens if the phone rings at 3am? Do you ignore it, or do you answer it? Why/Why not?
I answer it because its probably someone calling me into work, a Red Cross emergency, or some other type of emergency. And why would you let the phone ring at 3am, it'll just wake you up.

Q. Do you feel you have much impact on the lives of people you come in contact with?
You'll have to ask them. I don't think so.

::Light or Dark::

Onesome: Light-- Light chocolate or dark chocolate? ...or no chocolate at all? A little of each. Not much on the chocolate.

Twosome: or-- Yeah, easy stuff this week : Coffee with cream or black as night? Or maybe: colas or clear sodas? ...or just water, thank you?
Lots of cream when I drink coffee, which is rarely, and only to keep awake. I drink any kind of cola I can get.

Threesome: Dark-- Light-colored clothing or dark clothes? Which do you prefer to wear? Angel to goth, we're curious?

I wear dark clothing cuz I'm a fat bastard.

What about you? Hit comments and release your inner Juan Valdez.

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