Friday, January 21, 2005

Friday Five

1. Number of jobs you've held: 7.
2. Biggest raise, by percent: 50%
3. Have you ever quit? Yeah, I've quit all my jobs.
4. Have you ever been fired? I've never been fired (yet, knock on wood.. cuz shit, the night's still young)
5. Worst mistake, while on the job: During breaking news of a 1999 air raid on Iraq, I assumed ABC news would pre-empt our news, so I stopped working on the show, halfway through writing it. Guess what, unlike cbs, nbc & fox, they dumped out, and left me with a half hour to fill, with only 15 minutes of written stories. Whats worse, because I stopped writing when the breaking news happened, I hadn't written a story about the breaking news. So while I did have 15 minutes of news, none of it was on the air raid. My poor anchor fumbled through ad-libbing the story, then we went on to the boring shit of the day. Luckily ABC broke in again about 10 minutes later. It was a hard lesson to learn. I felt worse when the anchor came in the control room crying! To this day I always assume, in the event of national breaking news, that the network will drop out. Like a professional would. Imagine that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Work questions are great for a friday!

    1. Number of jobs you've held: including crap minimum wage jobs- 9... real, post college jobs- 1.

    2. Biggest raise, by percent: I went from 15 hours at min wage to 35,000/yr. I don't even want to do the math. :)

    3. Have you ever quit? Every job I've had.

    4. Have you ever been fired? Never.

    5. Worst mistake, while on the job: There are so, so many. Crappy: Out of frustration I threw a marker in the classroom, and it hit a student. I would say she deserved it, but that might get me fired. Funny: Teaching 1st graders how to rhyme, I went through their spelling list asking for words that rhymed with each one. As soon as the spelling word "which" came out of my mouth, I knew I was in for it. The kid who said "bitch" didn't even raise his hand. He yelled it loud enough for the neighbors to hear. lol

