Ashlee Simpson was definatley *not* lip-synching at last night's Orange Bowl... she got booed. This is freaking hilarious. Its karma. You try and cheat by lip synching, then when you really sing, your crappy voice is blatantly obvious. I heard a bit of the other talentless twat Lindsey Lohan singing on the Ellen DeGeneres show. She's just as talentless. The backup singers save her hot ass. Can you imagine what's going through the back-up singer's minds? They hone their craft from their younger years... they go on audition after audition... taking vocal lessons, etc. Then they finally get a big break, and its singing backup for this chick who has no talent and has everything handed to her. Same with Ashlee Simpson, her band on SNL took the rap for messing up the lip-synch performance... think about them. They took lessons from a young age, they eat shit and live in tiny ass apartments just so they can spend their lives doing what they love. Then they get a chance to be on a national tour, and play with on a national television show. Then what happens? Their reputations are shot to hell because some made-up spoiled ass idiot with zero talent gets show up on TV. While I think this is a messed-up situation, they know this is show business. They know this is the life they've chosen. So the bottom line is, the public will weed-out the talentless idiots, and a new manufactured image will take their place, and thousands of talented people will go un-discovered.
Seriously... no one ever thinks about the back up dancers or the band members. These girls are just going out partying like crazy and spending money like crazy while the real talent sits at home saving pennies or spends their lives honing thier skills, all to be duped by spoiled brats like Ashlee and Lindsay. Who the hell's idea was it to have them sing in the first place? They both suck!
ReplyDeleteI was once a backup singer at the Boston Pops, and I can tell you it's a pretty sweet gig.
ReplyDeleteOh, and Ashlee Simpson sucks.
Yeah, I'm wondering how Ashlee's going to spin this one..."another acid reflux thing...I promise" *toilet flushing career down the drain"
ReplyDeleteThat was the highlight of the show. To see that dumb shit get booed was like a late Christmas present! She had it coming.
ReplyDelete-- Rich P
Dude there isn't hardly any good music out there right now. Unless someone takes the time to dig it up from the new or going out to clubs. Most music anymore is this cookie cutter shit that some cock out in LA.
ReplyDeleteYou want real music by real musicians? Musicology by Prince. Go see him in concert. No lip-synching, just pure funk. Yall knew I had to get a Prince reference in here somewhere :)
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% but it is not just singers it is also actors. It seems like they make one album and then they go on tour. It's not like they can sing but hey they look pretty give them a deal.
ReplyDeleteWhen you look at old Hollywood and when they would do a premiere they pulled out all the stops and dressed for the movie. Now they show up in blue jeans or whatever
they found hanging around their home. If I see one more Nicole Kidman movie I am going to puke.