Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Tuesday is Choose Day

Tuesday is choose day
    Would you rather:
  1. work at a company that regularly tests hair care products on animals OR regularly buries toxic waste illegally?
  2. Hair care products on an animal. The toxic waste would hurt humans, and we're a shitload more important than some cat that someones putting some lipstick on.
  3. for an entire month, eat everything through a straw OR deep fried?
  4. Deep Fried without a doubt!
  5. invent the next popular kids toy OR sex toy?
  6. Sex Toy, because at one point you'd have to have a hot chick test them out.
  7. find out your neighbor is a spy for an enemy nation OR a black ops assassin for your government?
  8. Black Ops for the government, at least I'd know he's working for our side

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